[Dev question] Should liquid and reefer jobs pay more?

Posted in CategoryGeneral
  • G
    Gerben 5 years ago

    The main question is basically what the title says; should jobs that require a reefer or tanker trailer to pay more? Those trailers are more expensive and you don't get one when you join.

    Or should they only pay more for jobs if the way to unlock these types is to upgrade your HQ?


    A follow up question for any answer is then also; should the game try to avoid 1 type of trailer to always be the 'best' to prevent everyone from only using it, or is this just an unfortunate outcome of min-maxing?

  • C
    CheGuevara 4 years ago

    Question 1: I totally and 100% agree that higher level trailers such as reefers and tankers should make more money. It just makes sense since the only defining features of the trailers are the types of goods and the price of the trailer.

    Question 2: In my eyes these types of games work on item levels / progression. Without having higher paying jobs that scale based on something you own there's really no progression.

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